Tokio Marine MultiCare Review: No Waiting Periods
Tokio Marine’s MultiCare is a non-participating, regular premium multipay critical illness (CI) policy. It provides protection against three categories of critical illnesses, namely; Early Intermediate Advanced stage It pays you after you’ve been diagnosed with a critical illness or a condition that occurs at different stages of severity. Moreover, the plan allows for multiple claims from early or intermediate to an advanced stage of the critical illness. Quite often, the payouts can extend up to 900% of the basic sum assured. To understand how Tokio Marine MultiCare works, here is a comprehensive review. Keep reading. Criteria Maximum sum assured starts at S$350,000 Maximum coverage age: Up to 70, 75, or 80 years old Basic Product Features Payment Terms and Options The premiums are payable yearly throughout the policy duration. Like most CI premiums, these are not guaranteed and may change from time to time. Protection Tokio Marine MultiCare po...